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10x your digital transformation!

Accelerate your RPAs with AI-driven Business Automation Management platform

Transform 10x Faster, Launch 15x Sooner, and Stay Ahead of the Competition

AI-powered Business automation management platform to help enterprises automate critical processes, manage centrally and scale Digital transformation rapidly. Plus, enjoy your dedicated role-based AI assistant for real-time insights and daily task management.

Inspiring Results

Adaapts Accomplishments

We are proud to have worked with some of the most innovative companies in the world.

Processes Automated
Satisfied Clients
ROI Achieved
Success Rates
Apollo Hospitals

Apollo Hospitals automated their complex TPA process involving multiple applications and streamlining across 40+ branches

Error Reduction
Mr. Ashish Sood

Mr. Ashish Sood

IT Head, Apollo Hospitals

Saved over 45% of opex annually by automating complex TPA document processes and scaling across 70+ branches. Adaapt offers real-time management, key reports, and SLA tracking, boosting reliability and ensuring business continuity. Decades-old processes involving multiple applications and manual tasks are now seamlessly automated. With AI personal assistant insights, Adaapt is a game changer. Any business process can be automated and managed through Adaapt, giving us the confidence to automate more processes. Kudos to the Adaapt team!

Driver Logistics

Driver logistics Reduced penalties and error rates Automating Eway bill process across 4+ Regions

Error Reduction
Mr. Aqil Ashique

Mr. Aqil Ashique

CEO, Driver logistics

Automated our E-way bill process across 4 regions and helped us save 1.9 CR & penalties due to manual errors. Adaapt helped us monitor and track the process 24/7, its automated alerts & reporting ensured confidence in scaling the automation to other branches with ease. AI personal assistant is a game changer and looking forward to see more features

Universal Sompo General Insurance

Universal Sompo Slashes Time to Detect Auto Theft by 70% with Adaapt

Error Reduction
Mr. Rajender chabhra

Mr. Rajender chabhra

Head Risk control, Universal sompo

Automated our fraud detection and motor theft process and Adaapt has helped save our time in searching for fraud policies and solve the claims in less time and assisted our team in searching more records. Adaapt platform helped us monitor the bots , download reports and get alerts when required. We had done something unimaginable without the technology and Adaapt platform.

Why we built Adaapt ?

As per Mckinsey, More than 900+ processes can be automated in an enterprise with with right tools & implementation stratergy.

We believe every enterprise could contribute more and expand faster if there they can handle more volumes with less infrastructure. RPA + GEN AI offers an unprecedented opportunity to automate complex & core processes and manage the work seamlessless. However, current solutions are inadequate because they are:

Complex and slow

Current platforms cannot automate across multiple enterprise applications & cross functional departments


To automate end to end processes, multiple technology solutions and platforms need to be centrally integrated to automate end-to-end process

High risk

Automating processes and scaling across enterprises involves continuous monitoring, reporting and management


.With the existing tools, integrating with multi-platforms like analytics, ITSM and others lowers the ROIs.

Why Adaapt for Business Automation ?

Business Automation management platform powered with AI - Build, integrate, Launch, manage & scale your Process automations confidently!

Adaapt is an enterprise suite designed to automate complex, cross-departmental processes like order-to-cash, procure-to-pay, and invoice verification. By centrally integrating diverse automation technologies such as RPAs, OCR, and Python, Adaapt simplifies scaling across all branches of an enterprise, providing transparent monitoring of end-to-end processes to ensure business continuity and reliability.

Powered by Calendly

Automate complex, Multi department processes

Simplify complex workflows, facilitate records management and more.

Get all Teams, heads, leaders, users, and developers in one place

Architecture to get your whole enterprise under one roof

Integrate Automation projects centrally

Connect with any platform, solution & your data centrally and monitor key KPIs across enterprises

AI powered insights

Since Data is centralised, Get a customized AI agent & access real-time information from anywhere

Get Started

Bring all your teams, and process workflows together with the power of AI

Tired of managing fragmented workflows and disconnected teams? Adaapt is the solution. Our AI-powered platform seamlessly integrates your teams and automates complex processes, streamlining your operations and boosting productivity.

Integrate seemlessly with ERP or any Platform

Eliminate errors and reach peak efficiency by automating your workflows across all platforms. Our AI-powered solutions ensure smooth operation, regardless of the system you use.


Choose Adaapt for your business

Our AI employees are meticulously crafted to provide an exceptional experience with every task of your application.

15x faster time to market

With Quick success rates, visibility and stability, Scale your business faster.

High Reliabilty & Error free

Track all your automations across departments with high reliability

350% Increase in ROI

By Automating proceses across org, Achieve high ROI & savings.

Scalable & Cost effective

Scale automations across Branches seamlessly & Manage Monitoring centrally

Convinience & 100% uptime

Analysis, reports, alerts, everything can be centralised through AI driven automations.

Intelligent integration

Get your processes & teams - One place

It is clear that even when we have advanced technologies we cannot make the most of it unless the processes and teams are in one place & collaborating efficiently. Adaapt has all the necessary tools to manage & Monitor them efficiently and ensure business continuity.

Identify and submit processes to automate across departments: Submit process-related information and auto-derive value benefit analysis and get required approvals from Higher management.
Business runs better when everything works together: Connect your Process automation, and derive key KPIs & metrics for meaningful engagement across the business
Setup workflows for Real-time Alerts & escalations: Setup escalations matrix for alerts & errors to ensure business continuity.
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Powerful Insights

Monitor and keep track on whats going on - wherever you are !

Give your leaders & stakeholders full visibility of the results of your CoE. Consolidate and integrate KPIs directly into Adaapt boards

Department level & Process level Success KPIs: track for each Business process success KPIs like TATs, error rate, stability, Performance of Bots etc..
Custom KPIs: Flexibility to connect with your existing dashboards for metrics related to the process for comparison & tracking the progress
Finance Reports: Monitor ROI, FTE and Savings segmented on business and process level.
Efficiency: Generate insights for continuous improvement with efficiency indicators, most common failures, and downtime rates.
SLAs & Alerts: Set Process level SLAs to get quick alerts on your WhatsApp, teams or slacks and ensure no critical steps are missed.
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Let AI personal assistant get you some answers

When Processes are automated, centrally integrated and controlled by role management. AI Agents for everyone can help get real-time insights, assign tasks and reply to mails without need to login to systems

Get real-time insights: Get real-time insights on the processes and Alerts based on SLAs
Assign tasks or send emails: Share reports with your teams, Reply or draft emails. check the last status of critical incidents or escalate to top levels.
Get trend analysis: Find out if there is any spike in the trend, Set alerts, reduce penalties
Get to know about the latest updates: Get to know whats latest updates in the company and in your industry
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Our Services

We offer services for Enterprises to ease their burden. Choose what works for you. Our Guarantee - We ensure 100% success for all automation process automations.

Business process mapping

With our Business discovery sessions we can help you analyze your critical process and provide a report on overall efficiency & feasibilityto automate.


We help you automate your processes end to end using different technologies wherever required.

Build reporting & success matrics

We help you build your success metrics and Analytics, reports to track the performance of the automation.

AI training

We can train your data into AI models to get you required insights and OCR training wherever required.


We are recognized & trusted by


Get free process mining consultation

Adaapt: Enhance Efficiency with AI Agents

Adaapt empowers AI Agents to simplify complex processes, manage and control processes across departments, ensuring 24/7 efficiency, 365 days a year.


Free Consultation

Experience the new way to manage your business.

Transform 10x Faster, Launch 15x Sooner, and Stay Ahead of the Competition


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common queries about the automation platform. Learn how our innovative features can revolutionize your processes and elevate your digital transformation journey.

AI Agent are suitable for any process involving manual activity. If a task requires mouse clicks or data entry, you can automate it with AI Agent.

No, AI Agent are designed to be simple and independent. They function as a plug-and-play solution that can be easily removed if needed.

Since AI Agent operate locally within your system, there's no external data storage involved. This ensures your data remains secure on your own infrastructure.

The training process is divided into two phases: development and stabilization. Development takes a maximum of 5 weeks, while stabilization and error handling can take up to 3 months.

Our team provides 24/7 support to address any changes in your process or application. They can modify the AI Agent accordingly.

No, the AI Agent is designed for autonomous operation. It will handle tasks and send timely alerts to stakeholders for any critical situations.